Eddie and Sons Locksmith in Queens | 24/7 Emergency Service
We Deliver 24/7 Emergency Service in Queens
An emergency situation could occur due to any reason. Emergencies are hard to predict which is why a backup is necessary. You can have back up in the form of our 24/7 emergency service for all your house security issues. Our technicians are waiting for your call. We are ready to serve you anytime. Eddie and Sons Locksmith in Queens makes the staff work in 3 shifts. Due to this, we are able to provide professional locksmith services 24 hours around the clock. Give us the opportunity to cater you in an emergency scenario.
Get Car Keys Made When You Are At Work from Locksmith in Queens
Is your professional life extremely demanding? Don’t you get free time at all? If the answer is “yes” then you must have been putting off various tasks previously. Eddie and Sons Locksmith in Queens, NY can help you by allowing you to hire locksmith services in a convenient manner. Usually, to get car keys copied you must visit the locksmith. With us the story is different. We can provide car keys made service at your office/business site. All we need is the car key in order to make copied keys. Within 10 minutes the matter will be solved.
Purchasing and Installing Window Locks
Order window locks over the phone. You just need to mention the window type to our representative. Our staffs will bring few models of window locks at your place. Pick the one which seems most easy to use. Here comes the best part, minimum effort is required for installing these locks. There is no need to pay for installation services as you can do it on your own. Eddie and Sons Locksmith in Queens is offering huge variety of window locks with different designs, colors and usage options. So, call us to find out more.